Baron Barrymore Halpenny

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Shaftist Art, Shaftism, Modern contemporary art by Baron Barrymore Halpenny

The Shaftist Art Movement ... Page 2

Neither a convention nor a freedom has been a guarantee of excellence. Art lives or fades, by the will of each individual artist, and the effects made to make society as a whole, appreciate or at least tolerate it!

Great art consists of a combination of emotion and skillful expressive technique. Art cannot exist without technique, but, technique doesn’t exist for itself and, if the artists, by breaking through the traditions of the past, can express themselves more fully, without being offensive or perverse, then they are justified by the results.

The greatest art, encompassing Shaftism, is that which appeals with the greatest force to both the intellect and the æsthetic emotions.

Shaftism is colour and form, that is conformable to the laws and habit of vision, upon a flat surface and, which gives due consideration to the decorative and pleasing aspect of the result. In other words, it looks good.

The colours shafted correctly onto the canvas, functions to create a calming tranquil effect, for where the canvas is black or dark, the shafted colours should be playing and toying with the mass block of black that in itself is austere.

It is an emotion, thought and understanding that is hard to describe and put into words, but one that the artist and viewer must be able to feel and understand in themselves, to truly appreciate the beauty, that lies within the light and colour itself, as it fights against the black.

To you, who wish to just look at the art, then I hope it brings pleasure. But to all … Enjoy!

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Shaftist Art, Shaftism, Modern contemporary art by Baron Barrymore Halpenny

Art, Colour, modern, Paintings, Baron Barrymore Halpenny
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Art, Colour, modern, Paintings, Baron Barrymore Halpenny
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Art, Colour, modern, Paintings, Baron Barrymore Halpenny
Baron Barrymore Halpenny's Shaftist Art Movement
Art, Colour, modern, Paintings, Baron Barrymore Halpenny
Art, Colour, modern, Paintings, Baron Barrymore Halpenny
Art, Colour, modern, Paintings, Baron Barrymore Halpenny

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